Audit Service Sierra Leone has spoken on the rumored posts making rounds on social media that the office of the President and the Vice President were not audited.

At the Ministry of Information’s weekly press briefing, Communication Officer, Martin Sandy and Assistant Auditor, Morie Lansana of Audit Service-Siera Leone, cleared the air on the said matter.

According to the Assistant Auditor General of Audit Service Sierra Leone, Morie Lansana, there are firm regulations and principles governing the Audit Service. He said the public should know about their trust and transparency during their activities and operation.

The Communication Officer, Martin Sandy, disclosed that during the process of auditing for the 2021 Audit Report, the material needed to be audited did not meet the standard to be included in the Auditor General’s 2021 Annual Report.

However, the Office of the President and Vice President and other offices were indeed audited.

The two representatives from Audit Service informed the press that the previous reports from their office have been sent to the  Parliament for deliberation that will probably take place this January.