
Government of Sierra Leone

Community Watch And The Use of Force

Community Watch And The Use of Force

Community disturbances resulting from the use of excessive or deadly force continue to plague many communities. Law enforcement is an important societal function and its effectivenes is hampered when tensions...

WAEC Sierra Leone Exposes Grade Manipulation

WAEC Sierra Leone Exposes Grade Manipulation

The West African Examination Council (WAEC) has exposed a significant malpractice involving several staff members of its IT department and external examiners. In a press release issued today, the Council...

US Ambassador Urges APC Party to Support MCC Compact

US Ambassador Urges APC Party to Support MCC Compact

United States Ambassador to Sierra Leone, Bryan Hunt has called on the All People's Congress (APC) party to play a crucial role in supporting the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact. In an...


Moud Tee – No Remorse


    Rozzy Sokota – U And I Ft I-Tribe (Official Video)

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