
Millennium Challenge Corporation MCC

The Woes of the $480M MCC Compact With Sierra Leone

The Woes of the $480M MCC Compact With Sierra Leone

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact awarded to Sierra Leone represents a significant financial and developmental opportunity for the country. The MCC is a U.S. government agency that provides...

The MCC Award is for Sierra Leone, Not for Politics

The MCC Award is for Sierra Leone, Not for Politics

The recent announcement of Sierra Leone receiving a $480 million grant from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) should be a moment of celebration, not opposition. Yet, some voices are raising concerns,...

President Bio Describes the Importance of MCC Grant

President Bio Describes the Importance of MCC Grant

President Julius Maada Bio has described the importance of the Millenium Challenge Corporation's (MCC) 480 million US Dollars grant as significant milestone for Sierra Leone. "This signing is not just...


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