
Sierra Leone Bar Association

324 Lawyers Called Into Sierra Leone Bar

324 Lawyers Called Into Sierra Leone Bar

The Sierra Leone Bar Association has certified and called 324 pupils barristers in a well-organized ceremony in Freetown. The program was chaired over by the Chief Justice, His Lordship Justice Desmond...

SLBA Upgrades Dormitory at Kingtom Remand Home

SLBA Upgrades Dormitory at Kingtom Remand Home

The Sierra Leone Bar Association (SLBA) has upgraded the Kingtom Remand Home in the nation’s capital Freetown as part of their efforts to improve the condition of detention facilities of juvenile detainees...

Sierra Leone Bar is Full of Sexual Predators

Sierra Leone Bar is Full of Sexual Predators

The SL Bar is full of sexual predators preying on our vulnerable sisters who are trying to make ends meet every day. Not that we don't know what’s going on but nobody seems to be doing anything about...

Too Many Lawyers Not Enough Jobs

Too Many Lawyers Not Enough Jobs

The legal profession is one of the oldest and noblest in the world. Not surprisingly, it has continued to evolve since the Byzantine Empire of ancient Rome with the formalization of the profession. Often,...


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