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Evidence Presented in Police Officer’s Murder Case

Evidence Presented in Police Officer’s Murder Case

The prosecution has presented key evidence into the alleged murder of police officer Sergeant Fasineh Bangura in Karene District.  During a preliminary hearing at the Pademba Road Magistrate Court No....

Policing Above Party Politics By John Baimba Sesay

Policing Above Party Politics By John Baimba Sesay

In any democratic state, and more particularly in contemporary governance, the role of the Police Force is as crucial as the need to maintain internal peace, security and stability. Often and again, nations,...

What a White Woman Has to Say About Black Women

What a White Woman Has to Say About Black Women

A white woman gives her “opinion” on why Black men prefer white women over Black. An educated black man responds to her comments! This is up lifting, remember we are ROYALTY! just had to post this.. It...

Two Policemen in Court For Allegedly Stealing Okada

Two Policemen in Court For Allegedly Stealing Okada

Two police personnel namely, Police Constable (PC) 1008 Magona I. of Bo West Police Division and PC 16250 Bangura working under the operational Support Division attached to the Sierra Rutile Police Division...


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