If your goal for planning to leave Sierra Leone, Ghana or Nigeria to come to the United States is to escape exorbitant utility bills like rent, telephone, cable , gas, electricity, etc, you are relocating for the wrong reasons. Things are worse here . The utility companies will rip you off worse here than in Sierra Leone or Africa. Service providers rob you blind in America.
Yes, you will come to a country with abundant opportunities and if you are motivated and know what you want in life, you can achieve great things in America. You can get better degrees , a shot at moving high up in life than you ever imagined, and the opportunity to live the good life. Also, food is not as expensive here as it is in Africa . Your fridge and chop boxes are always packed with delicious foods. And today, you can have your cassava and potato leaves, tola, egusi, orgbono , kuta and other African foods in the many African and Asian grocery stores . We thank God for that .
Also , the medical delivery system is excellent . If you can pay for it or have good insurance , the only sickness that will kill you is the one through which God has predestined that you will go meet your ancestors. You will be diagnosed correctly and given the best available treatment. Again, that is something to thank the Lord for about America.
Also, nobody can “bluff “‘you in America. You can live in the same kind of home, drive the same kind of car ( Or even better ) , eat the same kind of food, wear the same kind of dress or live the same good life as Dr. Jones out there IF YOU WANT. Good living is not the monopoly of government ministers , ambassadors, directors and managers as it is in Sierra Leone. With my earnings, I can pay 5 ministers in Sierra Leone . I can even hire them to clean my car for me . As long as you are ready to work for it, anything is attainable. You do not have to steal government money as in Sierra Leone , Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria or Uganda .
Also, in America, you are guaranteed the blessings and freedom not to live under a repressive atmosphere of gross human rights abuses , tribalism , political killings , intimidation , bullying and uncivilized politics. Police brutality , yes. High crime rates , yes but it is better here. If you are coming to America to escape our dirty politics, our corrupt politicians and the mess they have created, you have made a very good decision. We enjoy unprecedented freedoms and safety here. I can go anywhere and cuss President Biden and nobody will question me or arrest me or molest me. Nobody will deny me a job because of your tribe. Racial discrimination is rife here, yes, but systems have been put in place to minimize it; it is no longer institutionalized as tribalism in Africa.
However , with all these advantages, America is not a bed of roses as most of you think in Sierra Leone, Nigeria or Ghana. You have all these services and privileges to enjoy but at times the costs can be more enormous than in Africa.
The first thing you will notice is that in America, you have to work very hard ( Some people hardly sleep in their homes. They buy big and beautiful homes but do not sleep in them. They are out there whole day and night working just to be able to pay their bills ) . This is often just to have a shot at survival. It is not even to become rich. In America, if the grass looks greener on the other side, know that the water bill is frighteningly high .
You can coast in Africa on the backs of good, supportive relatives and friends ( THOSE THAT CAN AFFORD ) and our helpful extended family system in the rural areas, especially. . At least , you can be assured of that one “Mondor” of food and a place to lay your head and you can survive . Just. Barely. But not in America. Here, everybody is on his or her own. Nobody will lodge you and feed you for long . Thank God for relatives and friends but the system here is designed in a way that hosts and guests do not endure each other for long. For your own self- pride and self- respect, ultimately you may have to leave to go plough your own furrow .
Then, the worst thing you will realize is that the American system is more exploitative and is more a ripoff than the systems in Sierra Leone, Ghana or Nigeria. Here, the government has no control over the capitalist system and the utility companies and service providers operate at their own whims. Therefore, the rental, mortgage, gas and electricity , telephone, cable and other companies thrive by ripping off the ordinary man. They are very godless, heartless, unscrupulous and wicked. Here, they bill you as they want and there is nobody to question them. You have to pay within the specific times they have dictated otherwise your services are shut off. Even in the dead of winter when it is freezing cold, your gas and electricity company can shut off your heat for non- payment of bills . That system of “Ay papa do ya ah beg you ; sorry for me “ is not in America. In fact, the more you beg and plead to them to think about God, the more agitated , abusive and uncooperative they become. You either pay or you perish .
In Africa, when things get very , very bad, at times governments intervene to help lower bills to alleviate the problems of the people. It is very rare but at least it can happen, but in America, the people are at the mercy of the capitalist system and utility companies. Govts do not interfere. Companies raise bills as they want and you pay or lose your services . Renters, mortgage and utility companies in America operate on their own terms. Government has no control over them. That is why you have thousands of homeless people living on the streets in the biting and freezing cold. In Africa, we do not have homeless people dying under the rain or cold . E bad E bad tay, one family member will sacrifice to take you in . But America is a very heartless country where only the Almighty dollar predominates . That is why Africans need to be very grateful to people who send money for them, however little. You never know the perils your family member underwent before sending you that money . America is not an easy country to live even if you have 20 PH. Ds . The system bites everybody harshly. Whoever does not tell you this is lying to you. Most often, people give you an idealized impression of America. They make you think America is a Utopia . But it is not . You do not stop longing for your country and the good, old days shortly after Independence, before things fell apart. In America, you miss your country everyday and wish that things were as good there as they once were before things “Chakraed “.
You must consider all these facts when migrating to this country. I am not not saying that you must not build your dreams on coming to America . There are abundant benefits and often it is an answer to your prayers for a better deal in life because America is a land of opportunities . But you must know also that you are not coming to country where money is hanging on trees or where the streets are paved with gold. If you are not blessed, you can suffer worse in America than in Sierra Leone, thanks to ripoff American utility companies and service providers, like your gas and electricity company.
America and Europe would have been the best places to live on this earth , if the systems had not been ripoffs. But here, the capitalist system survives snd thrives on the backs of the people.
Our best bet as Africans is to continue fighting for better governance in our countries and good governments that will give everybody an equitable share of the national cake. Our countries are blessed with more abundant natural resources ( Diamonds, gold, bauxite, iron ore, gas, kimberlite , copper , tin, coltan etc ) than America and if only we have been having good governments that seek the welfare of the people, I wonder how many Africans would have loved to come to America, the land of ripoffs and slave labor just to be able to pay bills.
But come to America, anyway and welcome to the American Dream . If you have the energy to work slavishly to pay ripoff utility companies and service providers, you are assured of a modicum of better life in many areas than in the Africa that our politicians have destroyed through greed and insolence .
Thank God that eternity will not be like this.