
Fatima Bio

Fatima Bio Supports Ma Nyande Female Farmers

Fatima Bio Supports Ma Nyande Female Farmers

First Lady, Fatima Jabbe Bio has supported female farmers with the sum of 100 million Leones to boost their productivity. The First Lady made the donation to Ma Nyande Development Women Cooperative...

OPINION: Fatima Bio is Now a Global Icon

OPINION: Fatima Bio is Now a Global Icon

While her detractors are castigating her at home, the First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone Madam Fatima Bio is being recognized worldwide as a champion for the protection of girls and young women...

Fatima Bio Engages Young People in Liberia

Fatima Bio Engages Young People in Liberia

First Lady of Sierra Leone, Fatima Bio has on Monday 16th January 2023, engaged a large number of young people of the Republic of Liberia in an open conversation organized by the Vice President of the...

How Effective is The Hands Off Our Girls Campaign?

How Effective is The Hands Off Our Girls Campaign?

First Lady, Mrs. Fatima Maada Bio, will always be remembered for her resilient effort to introduce the "Hands Off Our Girls" campaign in Sierra Leone almost four years ago. The campaign initially took...

Dr. John Idriss Lahai Blasts First Lady Fatima Bio

Dr. John Idriss Lahai Blasts First Lady Fatima Bio

Dr. John Idriss Lahai has blamed the First Lady, Fatima Bio for the High Court’s decision to discharge the corruption matter of former Executive Director of the Sierra Leone Maritime Administration (SLMA),...

First Lady Fatima Bio Visits Cottage Hospital

First Lady Fatima Bio Visits Cottage Hospital

The Julius Maada Bio (JMB) Women's Wing and Associates (JMB), Dr. Fatima Maada Bio, and Her Excellency the First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone paid a pleasant surprise visit to the Cottage Hospital...


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