President Julius Maada Bio has assumed the Presidency of the United Nations Security Council, marking a significant milestone for Sierra Leone. From August 1st to 31st, 2024, President Bio will lead the Council, an event he describes as a “momentous tenure” for his nation.

President Bio expressed Sierra Leone’s pride in this leadership role. He highlighted the critical mission of his presidency: advancing urgent reforms within the United Nations Security Council. “Today, Sierra Leone is delighted to commence a momentous tenure as the President of the United Nations Security Council for the month of August,” President Bio stated. His focus will be on advocating for a reformed Council that ensures equitable, inclusive, and permanent representation for Africa.

President Bio emphasized the importance of addressing the historic imbalance in representation. “We will significantly advance the urgent need for reforms within the United Nations Security Council,” he asserted. “Our primary focus will be on advocating for the reforming of the Security Council to provide equitable, inclusive, and permanent representation for Africa. This will help amplify the voices of the 1.2 billion individuals living on the continent. It is our mission to correct this historic injustice that has persisted for 79 years.

Under his leadership, the Council aims to spotlight Africa’s critical issues and enhance its role in global decision-making. President Bio’s agenda includes fostering dialogue and cooperation among member states to achieve these objectives.