Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio will on Monday, 12th August 2024 preside over a groundbreaking debate at the United Nations Security Council, where he serves as the current President.

The debate, titled “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Addressing the Historical Injustice and Enhancing Africa’s Effective Representation in the UN Security Council,” marks an unprecedented moment in the Council’s history.

This debate is poised to highlight Africa’s long-standing demand for greater representation in the UN Security Council, a call that has grown increasingly urgent as the continent’s role on the global stage expands. President Bio’s leadership in this session underscores the critical need to rectify the historical injustices that have left Africa underrepresented in one of the world’s most powerful decision-making bodies.

Africa’s voice must be heard, and its demands for justice and equity cannot be ignored. The debate is expected to emphasize the necessity of an inclusive global order that reflects the dignity and aspirations of all nations, regardless of their size or global influence. For decades, African nations have been advocating for reforms within the UN Security Council, arguing that the current structure, which dates back to the post-World War II era, no longer reflects the realities of today’s world.

The live broadcasts, will be available on, SLBC Channel 31, and AYV TV Channel 33 at 2:00 PM Sierra Leone time (10:00 AM EST).