The Managing Director of Rokel Commercial Bank, Dr. Ekundayo Walton Gilpin has urged Bank accounts holders in the country to make  sure their accounts are  transactional.

He described  transactional accounts as one that is active and also utilizing the various services banks are offering. He made this statement in a recent Interview with the African Young Voices Television Good morning Salone Program.

He pointed out that as a Bank, they are working hard to make sure they provide the required services that will make people become more financially included. He recommended  that customers can be actively financially included when they are able to use mobile Banking applications, apply for loans, transfer money from the App to the Wallet,.

He encouraged people that just do deposits and withdrawals to utilize the other services RCbank is offering like the Banking Cards, Mobile applications for transactions, check balance, pay for insurance through the Banks. He affirmed that there are so many opportunities the Banking  sector is offering to customers to make them actively financially included  as oppose to people that are opening accounts without doing anything with it.

If the bank becomes better, we will be able to give out more loans, people will be able to do more businesses that will pay taxes and employ more people. So when the banking sector is active, the economy is active. So we are looking forward to provide more services so we become more active so there is more financial transactions in the economy “ Dr. Gilpin stated

Shedding light on their expansion drive,  he confirmed  that  RCBank is currently penetrating to the interior because they believe it is their duty to take their services to hard to reach areas and that is why they have branches all over the country.

Sharing his vision for the Bank, Dr. Gilpin revealed that he wants to see the financial sector rise up in Sierra Leone like other African Countries. He encapsulated that he would like  to see RCBank  reach everywhere in the country and also beyond the shores of Sierra Leone .

He acknowledged that he understands that these foreign countries have their different level of standards that may be difficult to reach as of now but they are working towards that incrementally. Speaking on Service Provision, he added he is striving to see a bank where people can have access to their accounts through their phones, and link up with banks anywhere in the  world.

He affirmed that customers outside Sierra Leone can now  use their Banking Cards with the  VISA logo  on them to do International transactions  and they  can also send money  back home to their Bank Accounts  through RCBank various Correspondent Banks In Turkey, New York, United Kingdom

Thanking customers for Banking with RCBank, Dr. Gilpin urged all  potential customers to come onboard and join RCBank as the bank for the people and by the people.