Sierra Leone’s leading fuel distribution Companies NP (SL) Limited has Commissioned new Fuel Station on Friday 8th March, 2024 at Madina, Kambia district.

The goal of opening this station in Kambia is to provide high-quality petroleum products to remote areas in Sierra Leone. This new development has created employment opportunities for young people and made petroleum products easily accessible in the district.

The Paramount Chief for Tonko Limba Chiefdom, PC Alimamy Lamina Kargbo IV, thanked NP for the commissioning of the New Station. He lamented that they have been suffering too long and hope the company will open more fuel stations within the districts He assured the Management that they will take good care of the facility and ensure proper monitoring for the investment to sustain the People of “Tonko Limba”.

CEO of NP, Kobi Walker expressed his excitement as the commissioning coincides with the International Women’s Day. The CEO confirmed that that they have a long standing relationship with Madina. He pointed out that during the construction process they faced some logistical challenges along the line but the station now stands a sight to behold.

“When we came to Madina, we have listened to all the cry, we listen to the chief, we listen to the Hounorable and the People and we recognize the importance of this strategic town”. CEO Walker stated
Considering it vast marsh land, he reminded the people that the town has the potential of to feed Sierra Leone. As of the Big 5 in the government Agenda, The CEO urged those that are implementing the Feed Sierra Leone Project to consider Madina as a solution to solve the food Problem in Sierra Leone.

Ibrahim Kargbo, Chairman of the Drivers Union in Madina thanked the NP management for facilitating Fuel for them. He further revealed that back then the constraints to access fuel were enormous but he believes the new station will change the narrative by mitigating the access to fuel constraints.

Speaking on behalf of the Local Unit commander Mr. Abubakarr Magona, officer in charge Brima Lamin Kamara described the commissioning as a blessing . He recalled that when the station was not operating he was having several calls as People spend over two day to buy fuel in neighboring towns. He confirmed that he sometimes accompanied the Madina People to Kukuna and Portloko for sales to be made to them quickly. He assured the Np Management and the people hat they will continue to protect the station to ensure it safety and continue benefit to the people of Kambia.

Climaxing the event was the cutting of the tape by the Paramount Chief marking the official commissioning of the NP Madina Fuel Station

Kambia District is a district in the North West Province of Sierra Leone. Kambia District borders the Republic of Guinea to the north, Port Loko District to the south and Karene District to the east. The district provides an important Trade route to or from the Sierra Leonean capital Freetown to the Guinean capital Conakry.