The leader of the Republican National Independent Party (ReNIP), Beresford Victor Williams, met with a consortium of investors from Europe and American on Tuesday to discuss investment opportunities in Sierra Leone.

The meeting was held at the ReNIP headquarters in Freetown and was attended by representatives from a number of international investment firms. He will be travelling to meet other sets of investors.

Williams briefed the investors on the country’s economic potential and outlined a number of investment opportunities, including in the mining, agriculture, and tourism sectors.

The investors expressed interest in the opportunities presented by Sierra Leone and said they would be sending a delegation to the country to conduct further due diligence.

Williams said he was pleased with the outcome of the meeting and expressed confidence that the investors would make significant investments in Sierra Leone.

This is a major step forward for Sierra Leone,” Williams said. “These investments will help to create jobs, boost economic growth, and improve the lives of all Sierra Leoneans,” he said.

The meeting between Williams and the consortium of investors is a sign of growing investor interest in Sierra Leone. The country has a number of attractive investment opportunities, including a young and growing population, a strategic location, and abundant natural resources.

With the right policies in place, Sierra Leone has the potential to become a major investment destination in Africa.

An MOU was signed to able to open up the investment if ReNIP wins the presidential election.