In a delightful display of community spirit and commitment to radical inclusion, Chief Minister David Moinina Sengeh, accompanied by his wife, took an afternoon ride onboard the WAKA Fine bus. The couple joined ordinary citizens, experiencing firsthand the modern, comfortable public transport that has become a symbol of Sierra Leone’s drive towards improved urban mobility.

This simple yet profound act was not just a show of leadership, but a living embodiment of the Chief Minister’s philosophy of radical inclusion — the belief that every Sierra Leonean, regardless of status, should have equal access to the nation’s growing opportunities and shared infrastructure.

As the bus moved through the vibrant city streets, Dr. Sengeh stood alongside ordinary citizens, engaging in conversations and listening to their stories. His decision to remain standing, without taking a seat, sent a powerful message about leadership grounded in empathy and humility. “Radical inclusion is about breaking down barriers — not just in policies but in everyday life.

The WAKA Fine Bus initiative is a transformative project aimed at revolutionizing public transportation and stands as a testament to President Bio’s efforts to create more accessible, reliable, and affordable mobility options for all Sierra Leoneans. Dr. Sengeh’s presence on the bus was a clear affirmation of the government’s resolve to prioritize inclusive growth, ensuring that national development reaches even the most marginalized. By participating in this public experience, the Chief Minister demonstrated his belief that leadership is most effective when it is both visible and engaged with the everyday realities of citizens.

This symbolic journey was a powerful reminder that true leadership is not about privilege but about being present and standing with the people in both word and action. Through his example, Chief Minister Sengeh continues to champion radical inclusion, leading Sierra Leone toward a future where every citizen has a place — and a voice — in the nation’s progress.