A Finish citizen, Marina Sesay who got married to a Sierra Leonean citizen based in Finland, Mr. Abdulrahman Sesay had expressed dissapointment at the country’s justice sector for ordering an illegal eviction of occupants and the demolition of house structures within the United Diaspora and Morasta (UDM) base at Old Road in the Waterloo township without notifying occupants who had stayed in the said premises under the auspices of Mr. Sesay for over twenty seven years ago.

Speaking to journalists in Freetown through an online interview, the Finish woman recalled that sometimes in April, 2022,  they did a media publication on how the illegal eviction had negatively impacted in the lives of evicted occupants and the international partners that had been providing aid to the country through the UDM.

According to Mrs. Sesay, the illegal demolition which had dislodged many citizens was allegedly spearheaded by one lawyer Teddy in connivance with the false claimants of the over three town plot of land, among them were, Mrs.  Winifred Y. Sesay and Lillian Q Nyandebo (Nee Maccrae) etc.

What was not clear in this whole episode was that, how on earth a set of civilians could be accompanied by a lawyer and some armed military and police officers to evict occupants and demolished house structures without summoning or sueing the original occupants in the land to court or notifying them prior to the said unlawful eviction.

In his submission, thee General Overseer for UDM Sierra Leone, William Taylor aka Wilo Wise emphasized on the suffering the terrorized victims of the illegal eviction are going through at this time of the rainy season, advancing that as a result of the highlighted anormalies above, Mrs. Marina Sesay had halted or stopped all proposed developmental projects assigned for Sierra Leone  by the UDM and Scannivanian in Northern Europe for lacking of confidence in the judiciary or legal system of the country.

The General Overseer intimated that Mr. Sesay (Morasta) inherited the said land property from his late father many years ago and he spoke about the advice or admonition Mrs. Marina Sesay humbly encouraged authorities in the justice sector to not allow few people stopping national development for self aggrandizement.

Mr. Taylor recalled that the organization had been helping the vulnerable, especially Peoples With Disabilities (PWDs) in society.

Wilo Wise further discussed that the illegal eviction was not only devastating to the lives of victims, but they (victims) also lost valuable properties worth Millions of Leones to what he described as senseless action perpetrated by law officials against innocent citizens.

However, young people who had been surviving under the UDM initiative prior to the eviction and demolition had vowed to support or rally behind the CEO for UDM,  Morasta as far as the fight for UDM to regain it property from the hands of the unlawful claimants was concerned.

In conclusion, Mr. Taylor pleaded with the law department in Sierra Leone to ensure justice is delivered accordingly for the UDM to continue with the implementation plan of it lined up project  activities.