A total of Six Hundred and Thirty-eight (638) pilgrims from Sierra Leone have joined the more than 1.5 million of their colleagues from around the world to congregate at the sacred place of Arafat in Saudi Arabia for intense, day-long worship; prayers, supplications and reflection.

On this 9th Day of Dhul-Hijjah (corresponding to 15th June, 2024), more than 1.5 million pilgrims across


It is believed that Prophet Muhammad delivered his final speech, known as the Farewell Sermon, at the sacred mount 1,435 years ago. In the sermon, the Prophet called for equality and unity among Muslims.

In his welcome address, Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, congratulated the pilgrims for witnessing Arafat Day. He also appreciated the effort of His Excellency the President, his government and the Task Force for the success of the Hajj, and admonished all the pilgrims to do the same and as such pray for Sierra Leone. Ambassador Jalloh narrated the significance of the Day of Arafat to the pilgrims.