International press freedom watchdog, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has supported journalist and editor, Chernoh Bah of Africanist Press amid cyberbullying faced over revelation of government expenses over the years.

The RSF said that Bah is being “cyber-harassed for his revelation of corruption”.

“The RSF is among a growing number of human rights organisations who have recently expressed concerns over my safety and have called for an end to the ongoing attacks on Africanist Press,” Bah wrote on his social media page.

Bah and his Africanist Press colleagues have been critical of the Sierra Leone government and have even carved a niche in releasing dossier exposing government expenditure for over five years now. Quite recently, the journalist was critical of the number of delegates that flew to the UN in August for Sierra Leone’s chairing of the UN Security Council. Bah said that this and most of his work has exposed him to cyberbullying for several years now.

The RSF’s support for Bah against cyberbullying came days after the American Historical Association (AHA) wrote Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio over the “personal safety and academic freedom” of Bah.

The Africanist Press editor is currently in the US pursuing his post-doctoral research and feared that a return to Sierra Leone could harm him. In consonance with thisThe AHA said, “the harassment of Bah has been subjected to –which include death threats –has prevented him from returning to Sierra Leone to continue his academic research.” The Association added that these threats are a violation to Bah’s academic freedom.

Sierra Leone moved to 64th place from 74th in May 2024 with many considering the West Arican nation as an example to other countries in the region.

Meanwhile, despite the setback, the journalist hinted on his social media handle that he will continue with his work.