The Managing Director of Rokel Commercial Bank, Dr. Walton Gilpin has inaugurated a podium for public speaking and debate at the St. Augustine Agricultural Secondary School in Lungi, Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom.

Dr. Gilpin, in his keynote address said the construction of the podium is due to need to propagate values of public speaking and debating. The RCBank MD said that the podium would help nurture and encourage pupils as they are the future leaders. He admonished pupils to be resilient and aim for progress in life. He ended by encouraging pupils to make good use of the podium.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, the National Secretary General of St. Augustine Old Students Association (SAOSA), Sheku Putka Kamara appreciated the construction of the podium while urging pupils to maximise its importance. He added by citing past pupils of the school that have excelled in their various professions due to the ability to speak publicly.

President of the school’s alumni body, Ansu Moiba appreciated the Rokel Bank MD for his kind gesture to the school. He stated that they couldn’t understand the actual plan when they were approached for the construction of the podium. He added that with the help of the executive and general members including the GEED Foundation they were able to co-fund the construction of the podium.

He affirmed that the podium is among the best in the country and added that it has set the pace for other development projects in the school.

Representative from GEED Foundation, Mr. Bassie gave a background of the project while appreciating Dr. Gilpin. He stated that the podium could serve as a springboard to shape up the ability of public speaking in the school and possibly the entire chiefdom.

One of the school’s alumnus, Hon. Abdul Kargbo said the school helped him to shape up his public speaking skills. He said he has since been utilising that ability in his professional sphere since then.

Principal of the school, Rev. Fr. Paul Turay appreciated GEED Foundation, the Rokel MD and the school’s alumni for their kind gesture towards the school.