Popular rapper Alhaji Amadu Bah, better known as Boss La, has shared details of his involvement in the Pademba Road Prison breakout in November 2024.

During an interview with Jimmy B on the AYV Late Night Show, Boss La revealed that despite escaping with other prisoners, he made the decision to turn himself in.

According to Boss La, his decision to surrender was motivated by a desire to clear his name. “I was accused of something I didn’t do,” he explained. “I’m innocent, and I wanted people to know that.”

“I went out of the prison just like everybody else did, and when I was out, the first person I called was my elder brother” (referring to Jimmy B, the host). “I said, ‘Where are you? This and that has happened.’ In that kind of situation, he could have easily said he wasn’t in town or said, ‘L.A, I don’t want you to come close to me,’ but no, he was like, ‘Do this and do that.’

“The first thing after that, I decided to phone the authorities. I called the I.G, the Chief Minister, and the Head of the Prison. I even told them my location and said, ‘I am seated right here. When you guys are ready for me, you can come meet me right here.’ So, I waited the whole day and night, and then I called them again. They assured me that when they were ready, they would come for me. So, I was like, ‘It’s okay, it’s fine.'”

“I could have easily taken a car and run to Guinea or anywhere else, just like anyone else might have done. But with what was in my head, plus what he told me, I knew I had to go back.”

Despite his involvement in the breakout, Boss La expressed gratitude to Jimmy B for his support and guidance during this difficult time. “Jimmy was there for me when I needed it most,” he said. “He encouraged me to do the right thing.”

Boss La’s decision to surrender was also influenced by the advice of his lawyers and the assurances from authorities that he would be treated fairly. “I believed in the justice system,” he said. “I knew that if I turned myself in, I would have a chance to prove my innocence.”

Jimmy B praised Boss La for his courage and character. “He’s a good guy who made a bad decision,” he said. “He’s learned from his mistakes and is determined to turn his life around.”