Popular Sierra Leonean musician, KASS of LAX, has ignited a heated debate within the country’s music industry.

During an appearance on the “Hotbox” show on AYV, KASS made some pointed comments, particularly aimed at fellow artists Morris WonderBoy and Salone Cool J, calling them Bloggers instead of Musicians.

KASS, known for his candidness, didn’t hold back as he expressed his views on the state of the Sierra Leone entertainment industry. He boldly stated that the industry is currently divided, leaving room for various interpretations and differing opinions. Notably, he questioned the artistic credibility of Morris WonderBoy, suggesting that Morris appears more as a blogger than an artist. Furthermore, he expressed his belief that Salone Cool J should focus on his career as a blogger rather than pursuing a career in music.

KASS’s remarks on the “Hotbox” show didn’t stop there. He emphasized the need for unity and love within the music industry, asserting that the division within the sector is inhibiting its growth. He challenged Morris Wonder Boy’s choice to emphasize blogging over music, stating that Morris should be concentrating on releasing songs and contributing to the industry as an artist.

KASS also pointed out the lack of structure within the music industry, citing the absence of experienced producers as a significant challenge. He suggested that for Salone Cool J, if his passion lies in blogging, he should embrace that path rather than trying to navigate the complex world of music.

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