In a heartfelt message shared on social media, Sierra Leone’s renowned rapper and peace ambassador, Alhaji Amadu Bah—better known as King Boss La—urged citizens both at home and abroad to embrace the principles of peace and unity in observance of International Day of Peace.

“Peace is not just the absence of war; it is the presence of justice, compassion, and respect for one another,” King Boss La emphasized, reflecting on the profound importance of peace in Sierra Leone, especially in light of its membership in the United Nations and its current role on the United Nations Security Council.

Drawing from the nation’s tumultuous history, the artist highlighted the harsh realities of violence and discord that Sierra Leone has faced. He poignantly noted the healing power of reconciliation and the vital role of embracing diversity. “We must all become ambassadors of peace,” he urged, encouraging everyone to take an active role in fostering harmony within their communities.

King Boss La’s message resonates deeply in a country that has experienced significant struggles. He called on citizens to prioritize peace, emphasizing the responsibility to work towards a better future for upcoming generations. His passionate plea serves as a reminder that while challenges may persist, collective efforts can create a more just and compassionate society.

As a figure of influence, King Boss La continues to inspire positive change through his music and advocacy, reminding us all of the power of unity and understanding in building a peaceful tomorrow.