Washington Based TV24 News has revealed that a leaked police report reveals that gas station staff lied during the criminal trial of a well-known rapper, LAJ, and his associates.

According to a report from TV-24 News, an investigation conducted by the media outlet has revealed certain discrepancies in the testimonies provided by the gas station staff.

The workers were found to have presented false statements in court, which differed from their initial statements given to the police. These false testimonies held substantial significance and had a notable impact on the final verdict of the trial.

The investigation is said to also revealed that the judiciary made misleading and damning statements about LAJ after his sentencing. The leaked police report and an audio recording of the court proceedings provided by anonymous sources were crucial in uncovering these discrepancies.

According to TV-News24, they conducted an extensive investigation, comparing the leaked police report, court documents, and other evidence.

The findings indicated that the gas station staff’s testimonies in court were mostly false.

The series of publications by TV-News24 aims to present the findings of the investigation in detail, highlighting the inconsistencies and false testimonies of the complainants.

The investigative series will be published in several parts, covering the inconsistencies in the testimonies, the discrepancies between the police report and court testimonies, and the impact of false evidence on the verdict.

The series will also examine evidence that was not included in the leaked police report but played a significant role in the trial. Additionally, it will address the disparity between the judiciary’s public statements and the content of the court’s audio recording.

Overall, the leaked police report and subsequent investigation raise serious doubts about the fairness of LAJ’s trial and suggest that he may have been wrongfully convicted based on false testimonies. The investigation conducted by TV-News24 aims to shed light on these issues and bring attention to potential miscarriages of justice.

The rapper was charged with four criminal counts based on a complaint lodged by the gas station staff after an altercation. The court proceedings lasted for nine months, and LAJ was found guilty on all charges and sentenced to prison.