Alusine Kamara, widely regarded as the most traveled individual in Sierra Leone, recently disclosed his passion for travel during an appearance on the “Mariyam’s Ways” show.

Kamara revealed that he has visited 84 countries since he began his travels in 2019, with each journey fueled by personal interest rather than official duties.

Kamara, who has also served as a travel ambassador for over eight years, emphasized that his trips are primarily private and motivated by a deep love for exploration. “Traveling is not just about moving from place to place for me; it’s a passion,” he said. Kamara expressed concern that many Sierra Leoneans remain unaware of the opportunities that travel offers, urging citizens to become more proactive in exploring global prospects.

Reflecting on his experiences, Kamara mentioned that Portugal stands out as his favorite destination, particularly due to its vibrant nightlife. He shared that travel has helped him manage stress and broaden his horizons, expressing disappointment that many Sierra Leoneans have never ventured outside the country, even to nearby Guinea.

Kamara attributed high visa rejection rates among Sierra Leoneans to a lack of travel experience and insufficient assurance that applicants will return home. He advised that travel is not as financially prohibitive as commonly believed, highlighting the availability of online platforms and applications that can assist in travel planning.

In his concluding remarks, Kamara urged aspiring travelers to be flexible and knowledgeable about using travel platforms to enhance their chances of success.