There seems to be conflicting signals from the main opposition APC party over the recent approval f the $480 million Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) funds that has lent added credence, recognition and eligibility to the Bio regime in the eyes of our development partners, particularly the United States of America.

The approval of the grant has drawn reactions from hardliners in The main opposition, the All Peoples Congress, on the prudence of the US in providing the grant.

While opposition stalwarts are out- rightly criticizing the US government for approving the grant, claiming that it has undermined the country’s democratic principles. On the contrary, the party’s former Attorney General, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara has distanced himself from unpatriotic comments.

Mr. Kamara, who many believe is nurturing presidential ambition ahead of 2028 general elections, has unreservedly supported the award of the Grant to the government regardless of his political affiliation.

Devoid of politics, the onetime Attorney General and Minister of Justice, strongly stated that the Grant is intended to benefit the country and not any political party or individual politicians, hence, urged his colleagues to put politics aside and think Sierra Leone. With this admonishing statement, he led by example and celebrated the Grant for the positive impact it would have on the country, which he said, will be relished by all Sierra Leoneans devoid of their political inclination.

However, he stressed the need for accountability and transparency in the utilization of the funds and the implementation process to ensure value for money, and achieve the desired results.

The former APC Minister’s nationalistic standpoint resonates the clarion call made by the ruling party Secretary General, Umaru Napoleon Koroma, for the opposition to put aside their political ideologies and embrace the Grant that is set to invigorate the country’s energy sector.

The deputy Minister of Justice, Koroma, urged citizens to celebrate the Grant since it will expand and strengthen the country’s energy sector and increase access to electricity in major towns and cities.

The Grant, he said, comes at a time when Sierra Leoneans are increasingly anxious for improved electricity generation, therefore, he said, it will be unpatriotic for any Sierra Leonean to think negatively about such a potential development.

However, the main opposition APC has strongly criticized the recent approval of Grant to the Government on claims that it will grossly undermine the country’s democratic principles “The Grant should not have been awarded at this time when the implementation of the Tripatite recommendations is pending,” they exclaimed.

“It is imperative that we uphold democratic values, and this cannot be achieved by rewarding a government that is yet to resolve fundamental issues related to electoral malpractice.

The MCC funds, in essence, should be a recognition of progress, not a tool that emboldens those disregarding democracy” the party retorted.
Meanwhile, APC’s disapproval of the Grant has met with huge criticism from scores of Sierra Leoneans including party supporters who described their stance as unpatriotic and absurd.