Without a doubt, I do not need to overstate how the Rokel Commercial Bank (RCBank) has significantly positioned itself as one of the most visible and impactful banks in Sierra Leone.

It goes without saying that the works do speak for themselves, but as if that is not enough, the bank recently staged a cooking competition and moved by such approach, I had to marvel at how Le 10,000 was handed over to the winner of that competition.

Surely, such acts speak to the fact that the Bank certainly cares for its customers and people. Assuming the winner of that cash puts same into business, I am optimistic that profitability will be assured.

If other financial institutions will therefore do just a bit of what RCBank has been doing and is still doing, we could have seen a lot of progress in the sector and in the country. Therefore, it goes without saying that what RCBank is doing is, but a step in the right direction.

If one is to observe the banking industry in Sierra Leone, customer care has been one key challenge, but RCBank has been able to defeat such odds. With branches almost nationwide, the bank has been able to enhance strategic brand recognition and brand loyalty much to the admiration of even detractors.

Certainly, there was a time when the bank may not be a top-competitor, but since Dr. Ekundayo W. Gilpin took over as Managing Director, several reforms have been evident. This is to suggest that its management team has been leaving up to expectations.

Such team-work comes back as a plus to and for the institution. Many a time, the leadership structures of institutions suggest how things operate and so, as far as RCBank is concerned, it is safer and very timely to say that the bank has been doing all it could to see that the public and customers get absolute satisfaction.

As someone who have accounts in almost all banks in Sierra Loene, I can readily testify that RCBank has adopted a positivist paradigm shift in meeting and matching customers’ needs and satisfaction.

From a show of confidence building; to a narrative of seeing the need and wanting people to bank with RCBank, the agendas have been enormous and that alone will justify how and why RCBank currently stands out as a top financial institution in Sierra Leone.

A number of appreciable facilities also come and apply if one were to bank with RCBank. So, surely and as it stands, when we talk about banking made simple and easier, we are talking about RCBank.

I am therefore very optimistic that in a not-too-distant future, a good number of Sierra Leoneans will see the need to bank with RCBank because and from every indication, the virtues of the bank have been clearer and very visible for all to see. This is something that is worthy of emulation and commendation.

Again, now that we are slowly moving into the realm of an information society, banking alerts now play crucial roles. It is worrying that we still have banks that do not have up-to-date alerts.

This is disquieting if we are talking financial inclusion, productivity and inclusivity in the 21st century. This is why and where RCBank also has to be commended. With Visa Cards and mobile money apps including SMS notifications, the bank prides itself to meeting customer needs and satisfaction much to the admiration of all and sundry.

This is a way to go if at all we want people to see ‘value for money.’ When customers get services that they pay for, it comes and goes with some feel-good factor, but if such is not the case, the results may be counter-productive.

This is why it is very commendable that RCBank continues to set a brighter example which has been in the interest of all and sundry.

In public relations for example, enviable objectives will include; visibility, credibility and acceptability.

I will confidently therefore say that RCBank has greatly met such demands, because without a doubt, the bank is very visible as we speak and yes, because of what it does, people now see it to be a very credible financial institution and that has made people to go in for its services and thus, accept same.

So, we can indeed conclude that RCBank is the BANK OF CHOICE!