Choithram Memorial Hospital has held a press conference on the successful conduction of a two two day workshop on Laparoscopic Surgery on the 5th and 6th August 2023. The event was hosted at hill station in the capital Freetown.
The workshop was done in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, and Max Healthcare, India. In attendance were the Deputy Chief Medical Officer-Ministry of Health Dr. Mustapha S. Kabba, the Medical Superintendent –CMH-Dr Gowrinath M George, Dr. Daniel Lavaly-Orthopedic Consultant at Choithram Hospital, Medical Experts from Max Healthcare in India, Dr Nagender Sharma, Dr. Akshay Kumar Saxema, the Laparoscopic General Surgeon from Max Healthcare, Dr. Atul Wadhwa, Dr. Gordon Harris – Medical Consultant at Choithram and the Press
Dr. Gowrinath M. George welcomed all revealing that on the 5th and 6th August, 2023 the hospital showcased new technologies used for conducting surgeries after procuring the Laparoscopic equipment which has installed in the medical facility. He revealed that the rationale of engaging the Press was to intimate newsmen on the outcomes of the two day workshop held by the hospital. The two day workshop, targeted surgeons in public and private health facilities and interested medical students on capacity building on how to use the equipment.
Dr. Med. Mustapha Kabba , Deputy Chief Medical Officer described Laparoscopy as a type of surgical procedure on a patient without resulting to big scars. He Pointed out that before they do that they fill the abdomen with lots of air [carbondioxide]. He added that they expand the abdomen so that they have access to see wide areas to do their work.
Highlighting the advantages of this technique over traditional open surgery, Dr. Kabba reveals that besides leaving the small scars, it gives surgeon the opportunity to have a better view of what you are doing. He affirmed that surgeon can have a better view of what they are doing by visualizing the structures well and minimal assistance in the theatre. He highlighted a breakdown of the statistics of those who directly benefited as: 16 patients went through orthopedic treatment, another 16 went through oncology treatment with 1 Bariatric Surgery on the 5th August,2023 were as 1 patient underwent diagnostic laparoscopy and 2 went through orthopedic surgical procedure on Day 2, 6th August,2023.
Dr Gordon Harris, Consultant Specialist at Choithram Hospital stated that they are excited about this new development which he considered as a good medical foundation in the country. He revealed that medical field interns are sent to different affiliate health facilities for training of which Choithram Hospital happens to be one of them.
Laparoscopic 4surgery is also known as keyhole surgery or minimally invasive surgery. Large incisions can be avoided during laparoscopy because the surgeon uses an instrument called a laparoscope. This is a small tube that has a light source and a camera, which relays images of the inside of the abdomen to a television monitor.
Choithram memorial hospital works to provide a comprehensive Medicare to the residents of Sierra Leone.