The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), in a press release, stated that the commission has secured conviction of Abdul Karim Kamara, High Court Registrar in Kenema.

The High Court of Sierra Leone which holden the case and ask the High Court registrar to pay the fine of Thirty Million (Old) Leones (Le30.000.000) or he faces a 3-year jail term.

Kamara was convicted of two counts of misappropriation of public revenue contrary to Section 36(2), and two (2) counts of Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence, contrary to Section 128(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act, No. 12 of 2008, as anmended by the Anti-Corruption (Amendment) Act.No9 of 2019.

It was stated in the press release that, “Between March 1, 2019 and September 30, 2019, ABDUL KARIM KARGBO conspired to misappropriate separately the sum of Thity Million (Old) Leones (Le 30,000,000) payable to the National Revenue Authority (NRA) as court fines in respect of two convicted persons, Abubakarr Sidique Turay and Mathew Amara Sesay.”

Th presiding judge of the case, Hon. Justice Aggrey Aruna convicted Abdul Karim Kargbo on all four counts and fined him Thirty Million (Old) Leones (Le 30, 000,000) on each count, to run coneurrently.

At the same time, the other accused persons; Peter Mohamed Kamara, Umaru Tarawally and Ansu Sombo were acquitted and discharged in that regard.

In the end of the release, the ACC calls on Public Officers who are in control of Public Resources to comply with laid down laws and procedures in the handling of their duties.

“The Commission was represented by Lawyer N.B.E Davies whilst the convict was represented by Lawyers Francis Gbuya and Abdul Karim Koroma,” the release reads