AdvocAid has successfully concluded its engagement with women in the Bi-Monthly meeting and community outreach program, targeting diverse communities in Kenema District.

The Bi-monthly meeting initiative actively supports the National Federation of Go Bifo Women Sierra Leone chapters (Kenema and Bo) in conducting meetings in Bo and Kenema. These meetings are designed to address pertinent issues affecting the women, focusing on their well-being and the development of the National Federation of Go Bifo Women Sierra Leone.

During the meetings, updates were provided on the German Embassy Project’s closing activities, the new leadership structure of the federation, and crucial plans contributing to the federation’s progress in the district and the nation at large.

Various recommendations were put forth by the members to enhance their operations, including the need for continuous and unwavering support, assistance in implementing their strategic objectives, and a call for AdvocAid, the German Embassy, and donors to consider their proposals.

Members also shared key information in the meetings, contributing to the executive and members’ understanding and strengthening of the federation. Ongoing capacity-building efforts aim to empower them towards independence.

The community outreach involved legal education and community awareness activities in the Buwaihun community in Kenema, targeting both males and females, as well as individuals of all age groups.

The primary focus of this outreach was to raise awareness about ending discrimination against women in contact with the law. It aimed to enlighten the community about the issues leading to women’s detention and the support required for the safe resettlement of released women in their communities.

The community members expressed gratitude for the initiative, commending AdvocAid for helping them understand the challenges and solutions. They condemned the use of Kush in the community and pledged to collaborate in ensuring the well-being of their community.