Lawyer Augustine Sorie-Sengbe Marah, the former Sierra Leone Bar Association President Aspirant has expressed a contrary view about the removal of jury system from the criminal justice dispensation of Sierra Leone.

He maintained that, the decision to remove jury system from the criminal justice dispensation of Sierra Leone is not a good idea as it will hunt the country for a very long time. “Accused persons in the stark realities of our justice system must not be left at the mercy of the numerous fallibilities of one man or woman however learned they are” he stated.

Referencing the past, he revealed that,the jury system has been the bulwark against all pressures tugging at a single conscience in the trial of capital offences, adding that, those who have removed it should be awared that they have exposed themselves to the unseen hands, eyes, ears and extrajudicial forces which might overwhelm the mind and willpower of a single judge in especially politically-motivated prosecutions.

“You would not say in the future we did not warn you!!!” he stated.