Kandeh Town market vendors have slammed the Bo city council’s ineffective waste collection system, blaming it for the massive waste pileup behind the market.

The vendors, who rely on the market for their livelihood, say the lack of designated bins forces them to dump waste behind the market, creating a health and environmental hazard.

Their concerns come as Bo City Mayor Kobba Musa and Deputy Mayor Hawa Campbell met with representatives from Wealth Hunger Hilfe (W.H.H) and Small Medium Enterprises (S.M.E’s) to discuss collaboration on waste management in the city.

Residents point out that the current system fails to keep up with the growing amount of waste, despite a recent city-wide cleaning effort. The uncollected waste has residents worried about its impact on their health and the environment.

The community is urging the authorities to take immediate action and implement sustainable waste management practices. This includes improved collection and disposal methods, public awareness campaigns on proper waste management, and the introduction of recycling programs.