Nick Wood, an American-born individual who adopted the name “Krio Borbor” due to his affection for Sierra Leone, has expressed his thoughts on the electricity outage in the capital city of Freetown.
In a video shared on social media, Krio Borbor recalls his time in Freetown back in 2013 when he served as a missionary with the Latter-Day Saints, residing in the eastern part of the city. According to him, the current electricity problem in Freetown is far worse compared to the situation in 2013.
Krio Borbor highlights that the electricity has been going on and off frequently, with approximately four power cuts occurring within a single day. He expresses genuine concern about the cause of these ongoing power outages in Freetown.
Originally from Utah, USA, Nick Wood, also known as Krio Borbor, developed a deep affection for Sierra Leone and its culture during his visit to the country in 2010. Since then, he has immersed himself in the local culture and traditions, becoming proficient in the Sierra Leonean dialect known as Krio.
In March of this year, Nick announced on social media his decision to relocate his entire family to Sierra Leone, seeking to provide them with an invaluable experience that money cannot buy.
Watch the Video below:
Salone instead of e go before, na one step forward en ten step backward. E shameful tay… problem from independent till now, we nor able solve am…aaaaa. Salone watin d happen?