The privately owned Central University in the Northern town of Mile 91 has on November 29th, 2023 in a public notice asked students who are interested in vying for the presidency of the University’s Student Union to send their application to the Registry Office.

December 18th, 2023, according to the notice from the University’s office of the Registrar has been set aside for the conduct of the elections for the 2023/2024 academic year.

“On that note, the administration is calling on interested candidates to pick up, fill out, and submit the application forms to the Registry not later than Friday 1st December 2023,” the public notice from the University reads in part.

Only students in their second and third years of study, the University says are eligible to contest the Student Union presidency.

The other criterion, the public notice says one must secure a Grade Point Average (GPA) of not less than 3.80 from the previous year or won’t qualify to contest.

Having submitted all application letters, and then the names of the qualified candidates, the University said would be announced and published on December 5th, 2023.

Later, a date for what the institution called peaceful campaigns would be announced.

It’s unclear how many students have applied for the position.

Central University is among the fastest-growing learning institutions in Sierra Leone.

A few years after it was established in Yoni Chiefdom, Tonkolili District, Central University is been in the book of history for academic excellence and its zero-tolerance for corruption, sex for grades, and examination malpractice.