The matter between the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and Dr Samura Kamara and five others came up yesterday before Justice Adrian Fisher of the Freetown High Court where the prosecution team representing the ACC closed their case leaving the defence team to either make a no-case submission on behalf of their client or the accused take the witness stand to testify in their defence.
Before the closure of the prosecution’s
case, forty-eight (48) fresh counts of the indictment were read to Saidu Nallo, Foday Vahfomba Bawoh, Adekalie Suma and Ahmed Basil Kamara, excluding Dr Samura Kamara. After the charges were read and explained to them by the Court Registrar, the accused pleaded not guilty to all charges.
After the fresh charges were read to all accused, defence counsels representing the accused did not object to them.
Lawyer C.T. Matsebo representing the ACC said they would like the court to dispense the name of the additional witnesses that were at the back of the indictment including Nabeela Tunis, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sheku Mesali, Paul S. Mina and two other officers attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stationed outside the jurisdiction.
After making that application, lawyer Matesbo then indicated to the court that the ACC have closed their case.
Lawyer Ady Macaulay representing Dr Samura Kamara said the prosecution placed the names on the back of the indictment for them to testify in the matter, adding that they are indicating to the court that they no longer need those witnesses. The defence, he said, needed them and wanted to cross-examine them, which action is procedural.
In response, lawyer Matesbo said they are in the conduct of their case, adding that it is impossible to bring witnesses to court to testify as he had made an application before the court to dispense the witness’ names, adding that they will no longer testify before the court.
Lawyer H. M. Geavao representing Saidu Nallo and Adekalie Suma said opening their defence he would like to hang heads with his colleague, Pa. Momoh fofanah, on whether they will make a no-case submission on behalf of both the accused or have them take witness to stand.