The Karlu Road in Pujehun District has turned into a perilous spot following the destruction of a recently constructed culvert by a truck carrying a heavy load of sticks. The incident has sparked concerns over the safety and quality of the culvert’s construction.
According to Justice Jalloh, the Chiefdom Youth Chairman of Ya-Kemoh Kpukumu Krim (YKK) Chiefdom, commonly known as Jobo, the culvert’s construction was flagged earlier for its substandard quality. Jalloh emphasized that the stones used in the concrete were subpar, often referred to as “dead stones.”
Expressing the community’s worry, Jalloh mentioned that despite efforts by the ward councilor to address the concerns with the contractor, no corrective actions were taken. The contractor allegedly ignored their plea, leaving the culvert vulnerable to the recent truck incident.
The aftermath of this destruction has raised questions about the quality assurance and oversight measures in the construction process.
Concerned stakeholders are now urging the Pujehun District Council for swift action to rectify the culvert’s construction and prevent future tragedies on Road in the district.
Moves were made to reach the Contractor but to no avail.
Hahaha call your mad bio