High court judge, Komba Kamanda of the Sexual Offences Court has sent 18-year-old driver, Zaccaria Jallohto remand at the Padembal Road Male Correctional Center in Freetown for allegedly penetrating an 11-year-old girl.

The accused is facing trial in court on two counts of charges on the allegation of sexually penetrating the 11 years old girl at Banga Farm in Waterloo between 1st and 31st March 2020 and between 1st and 2nd December 2021.

The accused Zaccaria Jalloh is a commercial (poda poda) driver who plies along the Jui – Lumley Highway.

The accused asked Justice Komba Kamanda a favor to help him have proper health treatment as he is in pain after his fellow inmates beat him up mercilessly a few days ago.

He added that fellow inmates who have beaten him overnight went out to report him to the prison officers the following morning and he was also disciplined by the officers.

Upon hearing this, Justice Kamanda said. all humans everywhere have the privilege to enjoy their human rights even in the prison.

Justice Kamanda also ordered the Director of the Male Correctional Center to make sure that the accused is taken to the hospital for proper treatment and that investigation must be done into the beating incident.

The matter has been adjourned to Thursday 30th March 2023.