Waterloo and its neighboring regions are poised to experience a significant boost in their electricity supply, promising a full day of uninterrupted sustainable power.

This development comes as the highly anticipated CLSG WAPP Transmission Line prepares to connect to the Bumbuna Line, allowing the transmission of electricity generated in Ivory Coast to reach Freetown, Sierra Leone by the end of this year or early next year.

The implementation of the CLSG WAPP Transmission Line marks a major milestone in the region’s efforts to enhance its power infrastructure.

Once the connection is established, the transmission line will facilitate the transfer of electricity from Ivory Coast’s abundant power sources to Sierra Leone, enabling a more stable and reliable energy supply for Waterloo and the surrounding areas.

This project has been met with great enthusiasm by residents and businesses alike, who have long grappled with frequent power outages and inadequate electricity provision. The extended hours of sustainable electricity are expected to have a transformative impact on the community, boosting economic activities, improving the quality of life, and enhancing the overall development of the area.