Magistrate Mark Ngegba of the Pademba Magistrate Court has remanded one Abdulai Turay, who is accused of pretending to be a lecturer at Njala University.

Turay is in court to answer to five count charges including impersonation and obtaining money on false pretenses.

Police alleged that Turay defrauded three women seeking scholarship to pursue postgraduate studies at Njala University.

Police said the accused between November last year and January 2023 at Aberdeen-Lumley Beach in Freetown pretended to be a PhD holder from Njala University Towarma Campus and collected NLe 25,000 from one Hullaimatu Sillah.

Investigators said Sillah paid the money in order for the accused to facilitate a postgraduate scholarship for her to study at the University’s Henry Street campus in Freetown.

Police also alleged that Turay also collected NLe 5,000 from one Eleen Paulina Sowa for the same purpose as Sillah.

Police Prosecutor, Sellu Tap led in evidence Sowa who told the court the Turay contacted her via WhatsApp proposing to have a scholarship from the University.

The witnessed informed the magistrate that the accused requested for NLe 5,000 which she sent via Orange Money by instalment. She said after paid her first instalment of NLe 2,000, the accused added her to WhatsApp group with the University logo.

Magistrate Ngegba remanded Turay until 4 October with the prosecutor set to lead another witness.