Following the passing of Paramount Chief Ibrahim Baimba Kamara Koroma, Perri Chiefdom in Southern Sierra Leone has begun preparations for its upcoming paramount chieftaincy election.

On September 20, 2024, a solemn declaration of rights ceremony was held, organized by the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) in collaboration with the Provincial Secretary South, Abu Bakarr Kamara, and assessor chiefs Foday Gidahun of Bongoh Chiefdom and Paramount Chief Lahai A. K. Sowa of Sowa Chiefdom, Pujehun District.

The event, which drew thousands of indigenes from Perri Chiefdom and surrounding areas, saw the participation of government officials, traditional and religious leaders, civil society groups, security personnel, and the media.

The occasion marked a significant step in the process of selecting a successor to the late Paramount Chief Koroma, with nine aspirants vying for the chieftaincy position.

Provincial Secretary Abu Bakarr Kamara opened the ceremony with a moment of silence for the late chief. He emphasized that the day was meant to uphold the traditions of the chiefdom, stating,

This is not about establishing new ruling houses but about engaging tribal authorities in a transparent process to ensure the rightful candidates step forward.” Kamara reassured the crowd that the declaration process would be free of political interference, with every effort made to honor the will of the people.

During the ceremony, the nine aspirants each presented their claims to the chieftaincy throne.

The candidates included Mohamed Massalay Kpakra (Kpakra ruling house), Madam Kadie Koroma (Koroma ruling house), Jiah Tewoh Gogra (Gogra ruling house), and five candidates from the Jakema ruling house—Alhaji Moses Musa Jakema, Bobor Munuru Jakema, Mohamed Jakema, Vincent Moiwo Kamara Koroma, and Mustapha Dabeni.

However, concerns over the legitimacy of Vincent Moiwo Kamara Koroma’s claim arose during the ceremony. Citing the Local Government Act of 2009, Provincial Secretary Kamara and the assessor chiefs requested further verification through an election, requiring a two-thirds majority vote for validation within the Koroma ruling house.

Assessor Chief Lahai A.K. Sowa urged all candidates to have faith in the process and prioritize the needs of the chiefdom. “Our decisions will impact over ten thousand residents,” Sowa said, stressing the importance of integrity and resisting any monetary influences.

After the five-hour declaration process, six candidates were officially recognized as eligible to contest in the paramount chieftaincy election, scheduled for October 2, 2024.

These candidates include Mohamed Massalay Kpakra, Madam Kadie Koroma, Jiah Tewoh Gogra, Mohamed Jakema, and Alhaji Moses Musa Jakema. Meanwhile, Vincent Moiwo Kamara Koroma, Alfred Kemokai, and Mustapha Dabeni were disqualified due to insufficient evidence supporting their claims to the ruling houses.

The ceremony concluded peacefully under a heavy security presence, ensuring that the declaration process remained impartial and orderly.

As the community of Perri Chiefdom looks toward the upcoming election, hopes are high for a transparent and just selection process that reflects the democratic values cherished by the people.