In a heartfelt reflection, Anti-Corruption Commissioner (ACC) Francis Ben Kaifala shared a touching encounter with Victor Onie Williams, a student of the LLB 3 cohort at Fourah Bay College and a proud alumnus of the Sierra Leone Grammar School.

Kaifala recounted receiving a specially designed Grammar School shirt from Victor after delivering a lecture at the college just last week.

The shirt, adorned with the school’s boldly handwoven crest, was gifted to Kaifala as a token of pride and admiration.

“The shirt was so beautiful; I had never seen it anywhere else,” Kaifala wrote. “When I asked him why he gave it to me, he just looked at me with a shy smile and said, ‘I want you to have it, Sir. We from the Good Old School are very proud of you.’”

Kaifala noted the meaningfulness of the seemingly ordinary gift, describing how their shared connection as Regentonian alumni deepened the moment. “We shouted to each other ‘Dioko!’ and I entered my car and left,” he recalled.

Victor Onie Williams has since passed away, leaving behind memories of his generosity and spirit. Reflecting on the loss, Kaifala expressed profound grief and emphasized the significance of Victor’s gesture, which now holds even greater meaning in his memory.

“RIP Victor Onie Williams,” Kaifala concluded, honoring his late student and fellow Regentonian.