In a key meeting with stakeholders, including over twelve Paramount Chiefs in Kenema District, His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio reaffirmed his government’s commitment to upholding the law concerning the Kenema District Council Chairmanship.

The position became vacant following the death of Chairman Mohamed Sesay, leading to widespread debate among local stakeholders about the possibility of a by-election.

Addressing these concerns, President Bio assured residents that the decision regarding the Chairmanship would strictly adhere to legal provisions. He called for calm, emphasizing that both his government and the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) would follow due process.

The debate heightened in August when the Minister of Local Government sought legal advice from the Attorney General and Minister of Justice. The Attorney General clarified that no by-election was necessary. In line with the Local Government Act 2022, the Deputy Chairperson, Madam Franciss Jambawai, who was elected alongside the late Chairman, should assume the Chairmanship and complete the remaining term.

However, the situation became more complex when the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone and the SLPP Secretary General, Umaru Napoleon Koroma, initially announced dates for nominations and elections to fill the vacant position. This move was met with resistance from the Kenema Heritage Stakeholders and Paramount Chiefs, who argued that Madam Jambawai’s succession to the Chairmanship was legally valid, as she was part of the elected leadership for a five-year term.

Many observers have drawn parallels to a similar case in Bonthe District, where the Deputy Chairperson succeeded the Chairperson without a by-election, further underscoring the legal precedent in such situations.