In a significant development for infrastructure development in Koidu New Sembehun, the City Council held a bid opening ceremony on March 28th, 2024, for the maintenance of selected feeder roads and the construction of culverts and a six-meter bridge within the municipality.
Upholding the standards of the Public Procurement Act of 2016, the event garnered participation from various stakeholders, including representatives from the NPPA Regional Office, SLRA District Engineer, Civil Society Fourth Estate, and members of the public. Joseph Moriba, the Procurement Officer of the Koidu New Sembehun City Council, initiated the proceedings, emphasizing transparency throughout the project’s lifecycle.
Stepping in as the chairman in the absence of the chief administrator, Ag. Deputy Chief Administrator Josiah Kondewa oversaw the meticulous process, gaining insights into the intricacies of the bidding stages. Addressing the assembled contractors, the SLRA district engineer emphasized the importance of sincere implementation of project specifications once the contracts are awarded.
The bid opening process adhered to a structured protocol, including public opening, bid verification, reading aloud of bids for clarity, and meticulous recording of details. Notably, three companies or contractors submitted bids for both lots, reflecting a keen interest in contributing to the municipality’s infrastructure enhancement.