Kono Women’s Organization Network (KOWONET) has initiated a groundbreaking project titled “Strengthening Women’s Rights and Social Cohesion in Rural Communities.” Engaging various women’s groups from Tankoro, Nimikoro, and Karama Chiefdoms, the project aims to raise awareness and provide education on human rights and climate change.
Christine Pettiquio, the Coordinator of KOWONET, highlighted the significance of addressing human rights and climate change issues, particularly the challenges faced by women due to mining activities and other factors contributing to climate change.
The project, spanning a year, will benefit six communities, with two from each chiefdom. It will provide grants to support women in their respective communities. The funding for this initiative is made possible through the support of the Feminists Alternatives on Climate Change and Environment consortium based in South Africa.
Beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to KOWONET and the donors for their support in addressing women’s rights issues and climate change. They pledged to become advocates for change and to disseminate the knowledge gained to other women’s groups across the district.