The Sierra Leone Police at the Moala security checkpoint has on the 15th June 2024 arrested a man identified as Mohamed Lamin, a native of Mano Jegbla in the Dama Chiefdom of Kenema District as he was found in possession of three sachets of a substance suspected to be Kush.

The Sierra Leone Police Media Unit East reported that, during interrogation, Lamin revealed that he resides in Kalaba Town Community in Freetown and was on his way to visit his parents in Mano Jegbla. Both the suspect and the seized substances were taken to the Kenema Police Station for further investigation.

In an interview with the Local Unit Commander, Kenema Division, Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Edison Vandi revealed that the arrest highlighted the ongoing efforts of security forces in his Division, to combat drug and ensure public safety in the region. He urged the public to cooperate with law enforcement, or other institutions that have the same genuine intention in the fight against the Supplying and consumption of Narcotic Substances in their communities. Mr. Vandi further called on members of the public to report any suspicious activities that may have the tendency of undermining the peace of the state.

The Officer-in-Charge, Moala Checkpoint, Inspector Musa Vandy hailed the timely and essential interception of three sachets of Kush, stating that the substance could have had devastating consequences for local youth, more especially when the Eid Mubarak and Children’s Day celebrations on June 16th were coincidentally fast approaching.

Inspector Vandy thanked his team of personnel comprising the Police, military, traffic wardens, D. F. O. etc that had been vigilant in the provision of security and the prevention of the spread of such harmful materials to other communities.