As he is called The People’s Resident Minister Representing Eastern Region, Hon.KES Boyah on this day Monday 09/01/2023 visited The Sierra Leone People’s Party District Office along Hangha Road, Kenema where a successful meeting with The District Executive was held.

Hon KES Boyah’s visit was to get first-hand information about the saga that led to the closure of the Party Office on 31/12/2022 during an organised Carnival by the National Women’s Leader of the SLPP.

In his Presentation, the District Chairman in the person of Moriba S.Koroma alias Agbaoo thanked The Minister for moving away from his office and visiting the Party Office which according to him is a sign of respect the Minister has accorded them stating that “you are the first Resident Minister to come to our office and have a dialogue that will foster peace within the SLPP”.

Moriba S. Koroma furthered that as Party Executive, they should be respected by those who they offer their symbol of Authority including those who are appointed by His Excellency the President of The Republic of Sierra Leone but to them it has been the opposite.

Moriba S.Koroma in his submission maintained that he was never notified by the National Women’s Leader neither the Regional Chairman more especially when everybody was on Holiday and according to Agbaoo ”

As Party Chairman representing the District, the office is always available for Party People to carry out Party activities as far as the right procedure is done-Agbaoo maintained.

Various Speakers from the Executive spoke on similar situation including the District Women’s Leader Madam Ela Goba.

Responding, Hon.KES Boyah thanked Moriba S.Koroma and Team for vividly explaining to him with regards the saga.

After series of deliberations, Hon.KES Boyah promised engaging The National Women’s Leader and Team before calling on both parties for a common ground.

Hon. KES Boyah however advised the Party Executive to be more focused on propagating the political ideologies of President Bio in seeing that SLPP is back to Power come June 24 this year.

Hon.KES Boyah cautioned all, stating that this is not time for intra-Party wahala as time for Election gets nearer on daily basis and urged them to remain United and fight to conquer the Oppositions and get President Bio back to State House.