On Monday, December 2, 2024, a high-stakes meeting was convened in the office of the Honourable Minister of Sports to address the ongoing impasse within the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA).
The meeting aimed to resolve issues stemming from a court injunction filed against the SLFA, a move that threatens Sierra Leone with possible suspension by FIFA.
The meeting was attended by 10 members of the SLFA Executive Committee (EXCO) and the Executive Director of the National Sports Authority (NSA).
According to a reliable source, discussions focused on strategies to resolve the conflict and avert international sanctions.
However, the outcome reportedly involved a controversial push to pressure the FA President and other officials to overturn key provisions established during the SLFA Congress.
The proposal also called for reopening nominations for judicial bodies and conceding to demands from factions supporting the Moyamba-led court action.
Critics argue that these moves disregard the established statutes governing the SLFA and undermine the association’s autonomy.
The impasse has sparked concerns over potential interference in football administration, a sensitive issue that could draw the ire of FIFA.
The global football body maintains strict regulations against third-party involvement in national football affairs, with suspension being a common penalty for such violations