On Saturday, March 23, 2024, Mr. Ahmed Muckson Sesay achieved a significant electoral milestone as he emerged victorious, clinching the position of President of the National Association of Farmers in Sierra Leone during their Annual General Meeting held at Tower Hill in Freetown.”
His win has been widely praised within the association, seen as a promising advancement for the agricultural sector.
During the meeting, Abdul Kargbo, known by many as SA4 – the Association’s Vice President in the North, who chaired the session, applauded Sesay’s win, expressing confidence in his leadership abilities to propel the association to greater achievements.
“Mr. Sesay’s dedication and vision for the farming sector are noteworthy, and we anticipate collaborating closely with him to tackle the challenges confronting farmers in Sierra Leone,” remarked SA4.
Former Secretary, Lesley, also extended congratulations to the newly elected president, stressing the significance of unity and cooperation among all stakeholders.
“I believe Mr. Sesay’s leadership will usher in positive changes and progress in our agricultural practices,” stated Lesley.
Notably, Mr. Ahmed Muckson Sesay is the first non-paramount chief to hold the Presidency of the National Association of Farmers Sierra Leone. Notably, chiefs Sumanor Kapen and Chief Kabbie have previously served as presidents of NAFSL.
In his acceptance speech, President-Elect Ahmed Muckson Sesay reaffirmed his commitment to collaborative efforts with all executive members to elevate the farming sector in Sierra Leone.
“I am deeply honored to accept this position, and I am fully committed to leveraging our collective expertise and endeavors to ensure sustainable growth and prosperity for farmers nationwide,” declared Sesay.
He emphasized that during his tenure, he will collaborate with all development partners, both national and international, to complement the efforts of the FEED SALONE project as prioritized by the government of Sierra Leone.
Mr. Sesay expressed gratitude to Reseau Des Organisations Paysannes Et De Producteurs Agricoles De L’Afrique De L’Ouest (ROPPA) the major sponsor of NAFSL, for their unwavering support to the association. Additionally, he encouraged youth to embrace farming as a means to enhance food security and assured women nationwide of his focus on supporting young women in agriculture.
With Sesay’s leadership, the nation anticipates innovative initiatives and impactful policies aimed at driving agricultural development and improving the livelihoods of farmers nationwide.
At the Annual General Meeting, several executive members were also elected to various positions, including Sarah Rogers – Vice President South, Sallay Gendeme – Vice President East, Dick Johnson – Vice President West, Alhaji Hassan Jalloh – National Secretary General, Madam Mariatu – Admin & Finance, Mabel Cole – Women’s Leader, Maxwell Sannoh – Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, and Mohamed Jalloh – Young Farmer.
About Ahmed Muckson Sesay:
He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Organization for Peace Reconciliation and Development (OPARD) in Sierra Leone. With over a decade of membership in NAFSL, Sesay has demonstrated a rich history of commitment to agricultural development. He also served as one of the Peace Coordinators during Sierra Leone’s 11-year civil war. Sesay’s extensive travel experience across Africa and the United States further enriches his perspective on agricultural issues.