Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr., CEO of Africa Young Voices (AYV) Media Empire, and his wife, Mrs. Haja Navo Esa, has on Thursday, March 13, conducted Umrah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

The pair joined millions of Muslims throughout the world on the spiritual trip known as Umrah, an Islamic pilgrimage with deep religious importance. Speaking after Juma’ah prayers on Friday, March 14, Ambassador Navo described their 2025 pilgrimage as a rewarding and educational experience.

“Alhamdulillahi Rabillahlamin. Our 2025 Umrah has been a wonderful journey, a new experience added to our previous trips to this holy land over the past years.” He said.

He also commented on the four-hour drive from Madina to Mecca, which allowed them to have a better grasp of Islam and its broad historical teachings. The Navo family thanked Dr. Amadu Wurie, a lecturer at the University of Madina, for arranging their journey and leading them on a guided tour of the university.

“We appreciate Dr. Amadu Wurie, Lecturer at the University of Madina for facilitating this wonderful journey from Madina to Mecca, and for hosting us on a conducted tour of the University of Madina. Thank you for being such a wonderful host.”
He said.

Umrah, which is said to be one of Islam’s most essential acts of worship, enables Muslims to seek spiritual refreshment, forgiveness, and nearness to Allah. Though shorter than the yearly Hajj pilgrimage, it is said to be a very meaningful experience for those who participate. Ambassador Navo closed with this prayer.

“May Allah accept our Umrah.” He said. “We encourage everyone to come and experience the blessing of this holy journey.”