The Advocacy Network Against Irregular Migration (ANAIN) has expressed concerns in a Press Release over the current Political instability in the country and the need for Government to evacuate Sierra Leonean migrants stranded in North Africa and in the Middle East.

ANAIN revealed that they are worried about the growing Political tension especially between officials and sympathizers of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and the All People’s Congress Party (APC), following the June 24 election.

They acknowledge that they have realized a further divide among Sierra Leoneans which has directly led to more youths embarking on a deadly Journey Known as irregular migration.

The Network pointed out that Smugglers are now taking are now fully manipulating the situation to their advantage by trafficking vulnerable youths to the dangerous-life threatening risks.

ANAIM further urged other non-partisan Organizations including foreign Embassies in the Country to initiate peace between the APC and the SLPP.

As an organization that advocates on behalf of Sierra Leonean migrants across the globe, they confirmed that they are troubled by the continuous calls and messages they are receiving from migrants in the Arab states, most of whom complained of being enslaved, imprisoned, tortured seizure of passports and other documents by wicked citizens of those countries.

The Network called on the Sierra Leone police and border Security Guards to tighten up surveillance against smugglers who are presently exploiting the current difficulty to their advantage.

The Advocacy Network will like to take this opportunity to appreciate President Bio for appointing one of the most youthful cabinets ever. We are of the firm conviction that those appointments are in line with the fight against irregular migration. The Advocacy Network calls on young Sierra Leoneans, home and abroad to support the youthful appointees so they can succeed in driving the country on a positive path. We also recognized President Bio as a champion in the fight against irregular migration because of his courageous move to appoint young people who are mostly victims of irregular migration. We believe that those youthful appointees would work in line with the aspiration of the general Sierra Leonean Youths,” an excerpt of the press release reads.

Since 2018, ANAhasave been able re-uniteite more than three thousand [3,000] Sierra Leonean migrants most of whom are women from Lebanon Kuwait, Oman, Algeria, Libya, United Arab Emirates [UAE] and Niger among other countries.

They expressed their Profound gratitude to all local and International Organizations that have been extending support through partnership with ANAIM and further soliciting funding from all and sundry who believe in their crusading to end irregular migration, human trafficking and smuggling.

The Advocacy Network Against Irregular Migration [ANAIM] was formed in 2017 as National Ngo which advocates for the welfare of migrants both home and abroad and respond to the call and cries of migrants who are in situation of distress in foreign countries, help to reintegrate them into societies and create social awareness about the root causes of human trafficking in and out of Sierra Leone.