Regina Essen, a self-identified nurse, appeared before Magistrate Sahr Kekura at Court No. 1 on Pademba Road, facing serious charges related to theft and property damage at the Royal Air Moroc office on Wilkinson Road.

Essen is charged with four counts: two counts of malicious damage under the Malicious Damage Act 1861, office breaking and larceny under the Larceny Act 1916, and threatening to burn a house under the Malicious Damage Act 1861.

The charges stem from an incident on November 27, 2023, where Essen allegedly broke into the Royal Air Moroc office at No. 16B Wilkinson Road, stealing NLe 39,925, an HP laptop, two jerry cans of diesel, and 23 kg of luggage, totaling NLe 85,867. She is also accused of damaging five doors, three cupboards, and seven CCTV cameras plus a DVR, with damages estimated at NLe 76,211. Additionally, Essen is accused of threatening to burn the property.

In court, police prosecutor M. M. Tawarally introduced Detective Andrew Amara from CID headquarters as a key witness. Amara testified about receiving the case file on November 3, 2023, which included statements from the complainant. He detailed the investigation process, including the collection of a voluntary statement from Essen on February 12, 2024, which she confirmed with her thumbprint.

Amara further testified about CCTV footage provided by the complainant, allegedly showing Essen committing the crimes. This footage was analyzed by a cyber specialist. Additionally, Amara and Detective Constable Sheku Turay visited the crime scene with Essen and the complainant, finding evidence of the break-in.

On February 17, 2024, Amara and Detective Inspector M. Sunnifu took another caution statement from Essen, which she also confirmed with her thumbprint. The statement and charges were presented in court.

Defense counsel C. B. Davies requested an adjournment to prepare for cross-examination, which was granted by Magistrate Kekura. Essen was released on bail, and the case was rescheduled for June 27, 2024, for further hearings.