The Kenema Police Division is currently investigating a case of burglary involving two security officers – Mustapha Musa, a caretaker of No.142 New Site Hangha, and Gobao Moiwa, the Chief Security Officer for the 360-degree Private Security Agency.

Their arrest, which occurred on the 9th of April 2023, came after a team, headed by the Deputy Operations Officer, Inspector Mohamed  Conneh, responded to a tip-off received that a large number of high-tension wires, meant for electricity work have been stolen and presently kept in an identified house.

The Local Unit Commander, Mr.  Erick Moana Kamara quickly dispatched the ever-ready “Ops Minor” to respond adequately to the tip-off and pursue the offenders. They were able to get the culprits together with the exhibits that include 42-wrapped wires, which are owned by the Chinese company known as Capanero, situated at Hangha Community in Kenema.

It is reported that another Security personnel is presently on the run, and measures have been put in place to arrest him and bring him for questioning.