Orange Sierra Leone Foundation through the Support of Group Foundation (the providers of digital school kits/equipment + Funding for the implementation) has Launched, Unveiled, Installed, donated and handed over Digital Learning Kits to four Schools in the 1st Phase of the project.
Distribution was done with support from officials of Orange Sierra Leone.The Schools they have done so far includes;
1. SOS Hermann Gmeiner Primary School, Beach Road, Lumley.
2. Juba Army Primary School, Juba Barracks.
3. Church of Christ Primary School )
4. Fourah Bay College Primary School, Kortright.
The kits includes Tablets, Laptop Computer, Raspberry Pi, Projector & Screen, Extensions, Headphones, Power Bank, Bluetooth Speaker etc.
This is indeed a digital revolution and inclusion in the Government supported Schools – first in the history of Sierra Leone for Schools to have such equipment. It’s the start of a new beginning in the Educational sector.
The pupils will now have easy access to technological learnings in the 10 schools.
The gesture was well appreciated by the authorities and pupils of the four Schools they have done so far. They have 6 more schools to do in this 1st phase of the project.
The setting up of the equipment, training of trainers and installation at the schools were done in collaboration with their Implementing Partner BIAZO Company Ltd – they will also be looking at the maintenance, inclusive joint Monitoring & Evaluation of the equipment in the various schools.
In addition to the above, Staff of OSL and OSLF will be project ambassadors for each school, also responsible for monitoring of kits and quarterly reports for each school’s utilisation.
Orange Sierra Leone Foundation Brings Digital Technology closer to the foundation of learning in Schools.